Troubleshooting Sync In FTM 2017 & FTM 2019

Troubleshooting Sync in FTM 2017 and FTM 2019 

If you are facing family tree maker 2019 sync problems and want Troubleshooting Sync In FTM 2017 And FTM 2019 then read this post. In this blog, we have told you about how to troubleshoot sync problem with family tree maker 2017 and 2019. Read it and follow the given steps properly for troubleshooting sync problems. In this post, we give the best steps to do trouble-free Ancestry Sync in FTM 2017 and FTM 2019.

Solutions of Troubleshooting Sync in FTM 2017 and FTM 2019

You can easily solve this problem by following the steps given below. However, if you face any problem while syncing Family Tree Maker 2019, then you must give us a chance to serve you once by calling on our toll free number given below.

1. Compact Your Tree

  1. Before you sync, you should always compact your tree.
  2. Tools > Compact
  3. Compacting removes spaces in the database that can lead to errors.
  4. You must compact multiple times until the result shows “reduced by 0.00%.”
  5. Always check the Extended Analysis checkbox in the Compacting window. This looks for errors and fixes them.

2. Do A Manual Backup

  1. Firstly, Always do a full manual backup.
  2. Secondly, File>Backup
  3. Backing up ensures that you will be able to at once restore your tree if something goes wrong.
  4. Always check the box for including Media.
  5. Check the box to “Allow the restored file to resume syncing”. This will help you get relinked if the connection with your Ancestry tree is ever unintentionally broken.
  6. Auto-Backups do not hold media and do not have the information needed to relink your tree if it becomes unlinked.

3. Troubleshooting Sync In FTM 2017 and FTM 2019 Early Morning or Late Night

  1. Try to avoid syncing your trees during peak hours when Ancestry servers are at their busiest.
  2. Users report that early morning hours are best for trouble-free syncing.
  3. Others find that late-night is best, doing final sync before signing off for the day.
  4. Sync your tree (Frequently)
  5. Do not wait until you have made dozens of changes.

4. Sync Manually

  1. Use Manual Sync instead of Automatic Sync.
  2. It tends to be more dependable and includes media and information needed to relink sync.
  3. This can be set when syncing a tree for the first time, or by clicking on the sync indicator in the upper-right corner of the program and going into Sync Options.

5. Get High-Speed Internet Connection

  1. For smooth, swift transfer of your data, use a wired Internet connection with an adequate speed.
    Make Changes In One Place – FTM / Ancestry
  2. Between syncs, to the degree possible, work on your tree only in one place — either on your offline tree in Family Tree Maker or on your online tree on
  3. One-way syncing tends to be faster and more trouble-free than two-way. Don’t Change Tree Files on FTM
  4. Do not replace (overwrite), rename, or move the file having your linked tree as this might break the link with your online tree.
  5. If you need to change the location of a tree, make a manual Backup (with the “Media items” and “Allow to resume syncing” options selected), save it in the new location, and then restore it there.


This is how you can sync your family tree with ancestry. If you are not able to troubleshooting sync With FTM 2017 and FTM 2019.  so Don’t worry we are here to help you. You can visit our website Genealogist Help or you can call us our Genealogist Help Number +1-800-566-7300.

Hand – picked Articles 

FAQ On Ancestry Sync

#Q1. What genealogy program syncs with ancestry?

Ans: RootsMagic genealogy program syncs with ancestry. With sync, you can easily transfer people, events, and notes source between trees.

#Q2. How do I get my ancestry app?

Ans: Go to Google play store or Apple App store in your android and type ancestry. You will get the ancestry app there. If you have already the app then it will say open or if your ancestry app is not up to date then it will say update it. Otherwise, install the app from there.

#Q3. How do I link two ancestry trees?

Ans: Open any page of your ancestry page and click on the tree tab. There you will get the link option.

#Q4. Does family tree maker 2019 sync with ancestry?

Ans: Yes, family tree maker 2019 easily syncs with ancestry.

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